LA Galaxy Performance Blog presented by Herbalife

Interview with LA Galaxy Chef Mark Killian | LA Galaxy Performance Blog presented by Herbalife

Mark Killian 1_hor

Herbalife is the sports nutrition and presenting partner for the LA Galaxy. Registered Dietitians at Herbalife work closely with the LA Galaxy technical staff to make sure we are maximizing their nutrition to support performance goals.

Please introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your background.

My name is Mark Killian. I'm the Executive Chef with Flik Hospitality at the LA Galaxy. Originally from York, Pennsylvania, I went to culinary school at the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, NY. After I graduated, I moved to San Francisco to work in fine dining. I worked as a Sous Chef at Octavia, a Michelin-starred restaurant, for 2 years among other restaurants, and eventually I was looking to get out of that and switch over to corporate dining with a focus on performance nutrition.

What inspired you to become a professional chef and what was your pathway to working with LA Galaxy?

I loved the high speed, energetic, semi-chaotic nature of restaurant cooking. And I’ve always loved food, eating, and trying new cuisines. What drew me to FLIK was that I was working in Oakland and about to move down to Los Angeles during the pandemic. During my job search, this opportunity popped up and I applied for it. There is a level of professionalism with FLIK that really drew me in. I have always been very into sports since I was little and had become an avid soccer fan several years before I took this position. The position with Flik and the LA Galaxy allowed me the opportunity to cook food that I was passionate about in an environment that I love.

Can you please describe what a typical day in the life of your role looks like?

I get to work around 5:00-5:30 AM, and I start setting up the kitchen, double check the menus, go over the day’s schedule and plan with my staff. Then we work on breakfast production, then after service work on lunch production. Around 11:00 AM we plate the Academy lunches and stage lunch in Champions Lounge. Once all the food is set up, that is when I can start working on office work or get ahead on production for the next day. I make sure my staff starts cleaning up around 1:30-2:00 PM, and once they are out around 3:00 PM, I begin working on paperwork until around 5:00 PM.

Depending on the day, I also attend weekly regional meetings or culinary-focused meetings where we discuss new ideas and best practices. I'll also attend management meetings, corporate trainings, and menu meetings with the LA Galaxy Sports Performance Dietitians, Erica and Ashley.

Why is your role crucial for the team’s success?

It is important that the players are properly fueled with healthy, well-rounded meals that also meet their dietary needs. We’re here for fueling before practice and also support their recovery through food after practice every day. The dining room also allows a space for the players to relax, talk, goof around and get to know each other to obtain a sense of comradery, which I believe is very important to the team as a whole.

What is your favorite part about your role?

My favorite part… that’s a bit of a toss up between seeing the dining room full of people really enjoying the food and seeing how it can have an impact on the morale and comradery of the team. When the food is really good, the dining room becomes a place for the players and staff to relax, joke around, and talk to each other in ways they might otherwise. The connection that happens when people share a meal is unique and special. And when the team is excited about what's on the menu, you can see everyone's day brighten up as they grab a plate to refuel and relax. Also seeing my staff pick up new cooking techniques and seeing them grow is really rewarding.

What is the most challenging part about your role and how do you respond to it?

The most challenging part is managing the volume of work that we do, especially when we have to deal with any staffing issues or shortages. We look to build staff morale and then in the moment it is about making sure that I am as hands-on as possible to make sure that the team is working as efficiently as possible while maintaining a focus on the quality of food we are producing.

Do you have a personal nutrition or food philosophy?

Personally, I focus on eating as many veggies and proteins through whole foods as I can, and making sure the starches I eat are whole grains and provide lots of fiber. We try to incorporate that kind of general philosophy into the menus that we write for the team.

Describe your favorite meal you’ve ever had.

That’s a really hard one… It’s a fight between some fine dining meals and meals that I’ve made at home with my wife. It’s usually when my wife and I are able to eat out or have the time to cook at home, where we can go wild with what we’re cooking and see what we come up with – those types of meals are a lot of fun.

What is your favorite Herbalife24® product and why?

My favorite is the Herbalife24® Rebuild Strength Chocolate protein powder. I love the flavor, it is filling, and it is also great to utilize in many of the LA Galaxy recipes that we make at the stadium.

Do you have any advice for someone pursuing a job in professional sports?

Make sure you’re organized. And that you enjoy getting your hands dirty. If you don’t enjoy that kind of work, then this could be a problem in the long run because you need to get alongside staff and cook and clean to really lead by example.

Can you leave us with 3 fun facts about yourself?

  1. I have been bungee jumping and skydiving in New Zealand.
  2. I once spent 3 months traveling Peru, learning Peruvian cuisine. While I was there, I was also in a commercial as an extra.
  3. I was a lacrosse goalie in high school.