The LA Galaxy will host their 21st annual 4th of July postgame fireworks show on Monday, July 4 when the team takes on the Vancouver Whitecaps at 7:30 p.m. PT. The Galaxy have played at home on the 4th of July every year since the club’s founding in 1996; it’s the longest streak of home games played on the 4th of July holiday in all professional sports.
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The Galaxy’s 4th of July postgame firework show has become one of the premier 4th of July destination in Los Angeles. CBS Los Angeles and Go Los Angeles both dubbed the show as one of the best in LA.
The fireworks show will start 10 minutes after the final whistle. For fans in attendance, there will be a test launch at halftime for fans to make sure they’ll have a good viewpoint of the postgame festivities.
A capacity crowd is expected and tickets for the grass berm are now available for purchase. Tickets are available for purchase at //