LOS ANGELES -- Today's Dignity Health Heroes of the Game are Daniel Romero and Yoshi Yamamoto.
The LA Galaxy and Dignity Health are teaming up to honor six (6) different Healthcare heroes for the 2020 LA Galaxy season. During a pandemic and overwhelming year, Dignity Health employees have been on the front lines protecting our Los Angeles Community. We are honored to be partnered with Dignity Health and are grateful for all of our healthcare heroes.
David Romero, California Hospital Medical Center
David Romero, RN at Dignity Health – California Hospital Medical Center, is a dedicated frontline Emergency Nurse who has quickly become a staff appointed leader. He is passionate about improving the staff morale by leading the hospitals Daisy Award Program, which recognizes exemplary nurses, and has most recently become a relief charge nurse. David goes above and beyond for his patients, and as an employee that lives within the community, he is focused on improving the well-being of the DTLA community.
Yoshi Yamamoto, Community Hospital of San Bernardino
Yoshi Yamamoto, Dignity Health – Community Hospital of San Bernardino security director, has been instrumental in implementing security protocols and systems to ensure the safety of patients, families, staff and physicians. Yoshi is committed to bringing the best to the campus security team, including robots for monitoring outdoor areas and training security personnel. He has played a key role with first responders, like San Bernardino Police Department, San Bernardino County Sheriffs and Fire Department, who took part in a celebratory parade to recognize the healthcare workers during the pandemic. Finally, Yoshi is quick to collaborate with other department leaders on ways the hospital can better serve the San Bernardino community.